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Anti-bullying Week: Students Learn The Power Of One Kind Word!

19TH NOVEMBER 2021. Anti-bullying week took place between 15-19th November 2021. It was themed One Kind Word.

The One In A Million family earnestly embraced the theme both in our secondary school and across the Charity’s community programmes. This was an opportunity to further build upon our values, culture and ethos in the lives of the children and young people our organisation exists to serve.

In school, students participated in a hosts of learning activities and events. These included:

  • Promoting the role of the OIAM Anti-bullying Ambassadors across all areas of the school. The Ambassadors were introduced to their peers and all students were reminded that this group of young people should be approached if any student wished to share a bullying concern.
  • A range of displays across school emphasised the harmful nature of bullying and signposted students to appropriate support agencies.

  • During ‘Our Meeting’ time, Coaching Team Leaders shared an Anti-bullying presentation with all students and managed discussions to develop an understanding of the topic and where support could be obtained.
  • Ambassadors distributed Anti-bullying slips across school, which emphasised that those targeted by bullying would always receive support from the OIAM community.

  • Two representatives from each Coaching Team participated in a balloon release on the MUGA. This activity involved students writing positive notes of support, attaching them to planet friendly biodegradable balloons and releasing the balloons as a community.

The balloon release signified our attempt to spread awareness for anti-bullying. Students were encouraged to write their own personal message/quotation of hope.

Our hope is that somebody somewhere in our nation, will find the message and be inspired by the kind words, and be reminded of their value, self-worth, and uniqueness.

All activities sought to raise awareness of the subject and encouraged students to raise any concerns with school staff or Anti-bullying Ambassadors immediately.

Although it was overcast and drizzly the weather didn’t dampen spirits; in fact, it reinforced them!

School Students:

For bullying concerns please email:

For safeguarding concerns see a member of the safeguarding team, either,

  • Mr Gallagher (Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL))
  • Miss Woodcock (Deputy DSL)
  • Mr Rees (Deputy DSL/ Principal)

Alternatively, you can email