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OIAMFS: Year 11 Teacher Assessed Grades Update

25th March 2021. 

Teacher Assessed Grades for Year 11 Students

Dear Parents/Carers,

I hope that you and your families are safe and well.

You will be aware that the Government and Ofqual have announced that teachers will award GCSE grades this year, following the cancellation of external examinations this summer.

It will be some weeks before grades are decided and I wanted to take this opportunity to outline how the process will work.

During the next nine weeks Year 11 students will complete a number of pieces of work and exams, which will be assessed and graded using exam body mark schemes and grade boundaries. All marking and grading will be subject to rigorous internal and external moderation, to ensure accuracy.

The work produced will be collated and used as evidence to support the final grade awarded in June.

Teachers cannot award a grade which is not supported by the quality of work produced by students.

It is therefore extremely important that your daughter/son attends school each day and engages fully with all their learning as this is a wonderful opportunity for them to highlight their ability in each subject and maximise their grades over a period of time, rather than one single examination.

Their performance in these assessments will be used to inform the final GCSE grade awarded by the examination body this summer and their work will be collated to create a portfolio of evidence that the exam boards will request to see.

If you have any concerns or questions please do not hesitate to contact either Miss Woodcock or your child’s Coaching Team Leader in the first instance.

Yours sincerely,

Stuart Rees
