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OIAMFS - Year 9 Options Film and Booklet Guide For September 2021

24th March 2021. Year 9 marks a very important stage in your life as you begin to start thinking about what you would like to do in the future. We have prepared some further film resources (BELOW) that will support you in making the right choices to benefit you.

You should start to research careers which appeal to you most and think about the strengths, skills and personal qualities you feel that you have. It is important that you are honest and realistic in your judgement. You may not know yet what you want to do in the future, so it is important to keep a broad and balanced combination of subjects.

  • Click here to view Year 9 Options 2021 Presentation by Mrs Hobbs.
  • Click here to read the Year 9 Options booklet and Key Stage 4 course guide for September 2021

The Curriculum consists of two parts:

1. The Core and Statutory Curriculum - approx. 65% (compulsory for all)

  • English
  • Mathematics
  • Science
  • PE (Games)

2. The Entitlement Curriculum approximately 35% (Optional Subjects)

The Entitlement Curriculum consists of a range of subjects from which you have a choice. From the subjects listed you should select a combination which is best suited to your skills, interests, aptitude and future career needs.

To support you in making the right choices we have created some short films ? and pdf presentations relating to each optional subject. Click on the SUBJECT TITLE listed below:


Click on the subject title to watch the short film ?  presentation.

Geography pdf presentation

History film presentation ?

Religious Studies film presentation ?

Sports Science film presentation ?

Triple Science film presentation ?


Click on the subject title to watch the short film presentation.

Art film presentation ?

Media Studies film presentation ?

Modern Foreign Languages (Spanish) film presentation ?

Performing Arts film presentation ?


Click on the subject title to watch the short film presentation.

Enterprise and Marketing film presentation ?

Health and Social Care film presentation ?

Hospitality and Catering pdf presentation

iMedia film presentation ?

Please return your completed options to your CTL by 25th March 2021.