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OIAMFS Covid 19 Update: Student Home Testing Kit Guidance

19th March 2021

Dear Parent/Carer,

Up to one in three people who have COVID-19 can spread the virus without knowing. This is because they have no symptoms. To reduce the spread of the virus, we need to identify those individuals. We can do this in school by carrying out tests at home twice every week, 3-4 days apart.

The Government has recently announced that all secondary and college aged students will be offered tests to make the return to school safer for everyone.

Testing students at home

Students will be issued with home test kits from Thursday 18th March 2021. We would like them to take their tests before school on Monday and Thursday or Tuesday and Friday. You will also need to tell the school the result of each test by completing the google form that will be sent to you. Tests are free of charge. In the first instance, students will receive 3 packs of tests. There are 3 tests in each box with a leaflet on how to take the test and report the results. Make sure you have enough time to do the test before going to school/college. Preferably this would be in the morning before going into school/college. However, we understand that for some people this may be challenging. Therefore, tests can be taken the evening before school if needed. You need to report test results.

Taking the test

Students should take the test, before coming into school, twice a week. We will give students a leaflet with instructions on how to do the test with the kit. There is also a useful video to show you how to take the test here.

Help and support is available, including instructions in different languages on how to test and report the results and a video showing you how to take the test. There is no need to keep used test equipment after the test result has been reported. You can put it in your normal bin (household waste).This does not replace symptomatic testing. If you have symptoms, you should self- isolate immediately, book a PCR test and follow national guidelines.

What should you do after the test?

If anyone tests positive, you, your household, any support bubbles you are part of should self-isolate immediately in line with NHS Test and Trace guidance for 10 days. You need to report your result to both NHS Test and Trace and to us at One In A Million. You should order a confirmatory PCR test if you are testing at home (confirmatory PCR tests are not needed if the test was conducted at the Asymptomatic Test Site at School/college). If the result of the test is unclear (void) you should do another test.

Negative and void results should be reported to both NHS Test & Trace and school.

A negative result does not guarantee that you are not carrying the virus. So, you should continue to follow social distancing, and other measures to reduce transmission such as wearing a face mask and regularly washing your hands and observing social distancing. If you or anyone in your household gets symptoms of the virus you should follow national guidelines on self-isolation and testing.

You need to report each test result

The result of each test needs to be reported using the NHS Test & Trace self-report website:

You will also need to tell the school the result of each test using the google form sent to you.

Why take part?

Taking part in testing is voluntary and all students will be able to attend school whether they take part in testing or not.

I am strongly encouraging all students to take part. Testing at home will allow your child and other students to attend school as safely as possible.

Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns about home testing.

Thank you for your support.

Stuart Rees
One In a Million Free School