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Half Term Letter To OIAMFS Students From Mr Rees, Principal

16th Feb 2021. Dear Students,

As the current half-term draws to a close, I wanted to write to you, once again, to congratulate you all on the resilience and determination you have demonstrated during this lockdown.

It has been wonderful to see how well you have adapted to the demands of online learning, and how many of you have been joining the Zoom lessons and engaging with your teachers. Feedback from students has been overwhelmingly positive regarding live lessons and I know that your teachers have enjoyed being able to speak to you face to face.

This term certainly did not go as we expected, managing only one day in the building before another lockdown was announced. Yet it has been wonderful to see, just like the last lockdown, the integrity and compassion that has been demonstrated by our students and our community. Whether it was our Year 11 Student Leaders meeting with myself to discuss their concerns and the concerns of their peers, to families of OIAM students urging us to take their food parcels and share them with those families more in need than themselves, I never fail to be impressed by your ability to consider the needs of others above yourselves. I am incredibly proud of you all.

I know that many students have found this lockdown challenging. The number of children and young people who are suffering increased levels of stress, anxiety and depression, nationwide is now higher than any other time in our history. So please, if you are worried about school, your exams, your future, your applications, work experience, options choices, or any other facet of school life, remember that you are not alone. Not only can you rest assured that children all over the country are having those same fears and concerns, and they are completely natural, but also remember we are here for you. Do not suffer in silence; contact your Coaching Team Lead, your Head of Year or any member of the Senior Leadership Team and talk to us. We are here to help you.

So finally, as the half-term break arrives, please make sure you look after yourselves. Close your laptop, and have a much needed and richly deserved break. We will see you next half-term, but until then, take care, look after yourselves and enjoy your break!

Kind regards
Mr Rees, Principal