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OIAMFS Start Of Term Arrangements (Reminder) September 2020

3rd Sept 2020. 

Dear Parent/Carer,

All the staff here at One In A Million Free School are looking forward to welcoming their students back in to the classroom, we have monitored the guidance from the Government regarding students returning to school.

This will involve grouping students together into key stage year group bubbles and avoiding contact between these bubbles. Teachers will operate across different classes and teaching groups/bubbles in order to facilitate the delivery of the school timetable.

In order to ensure bubbles do not mix, each group has been allocated a specific entrance and exit to the school, these will be clearly signposted.

Year 7

The Hub (entrance on the corner of Thorncliffe Road & Cliffe Terrace)

Year 8

Community entrance

Year 9

Community entrance

Year 10

Main entrance

Year 11

Main entrance

Each key stage teaching group/bubble will be assigned a toilet area that will be cleaned regularly and thoroughly. Students must wash their hands before leaving the toilet.

School uniform:

 Students should wear their PE kit for the first half term instead of the standard school uniform. This is to allow more intensive and frequent washing of clothes than standard uniform allows, we appreciate that ties and blazers are not easily washable and could not realistically be washed every day. You may need to purchase extra tops if you are unable to wash clothing overnight. Students must wear the school’s standard PE clothing as identified on the school website.

School uniform is only available from Embroidery In House 01274 889299. When uniform with the school logs is being washed you may wear a black t-shirt and plain black tracksuit bottoms as an alternative. These must be completely plain black, no coloured stripes etc. and without logos or branding of any kind. Any students not wearing correct PE clothing will be sent home. Students can wear branded trainers, however these must be suitable for PE activities.


It is essential that students make sure they have their own equipment to include a named clear water bottle, glue stick, ruler, scientific calculator, pens and pencils. Classroom based resources such as books can be used and shared within the bubble. Resources that are shared between year groups, such as sporting equipment, will be cleaned after every use. This year we are adding a small bottle of hand sanitiser to the equipment list for all students. This is to comply with the need to regularly ‘clean’ hands to minimise the risk of transferring the virus. In addition, all students will be expected to bring a face mask - see note below in the PPE section.

Breaks and lunches:

Due to the importance of limiting social gatherings there will be a staggered lunch. There will be a reduced lunch menu available, which will be pre-ordered and will be a meal deal consisting of a choice of main meal, dessert and drink available at £2.70 lunches will be delivered and eaten in student classrooms within their bubbles.

During break we will not be able to provide drinks and snacks. Students should bring their own bottle of water to help keep them hydrated during the school day and they may bring a small snack for break from home. Please note chewing gum is not permitted, any use of gum will result in a detention.

When to stay at home:

If any student, or a member of their household, is ill, you must check NHS guidance to see if you should be self-isolating. If you are required to self-isolate, an adult must contact the school and give the date of the first day of the self-isolation. Students will then be required to stay at home and follow the NHS guidance and complete home-learning, which will be provided by the school, for the duration of the self-isolation period.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE):

Students are expected to wear a face mask in corridors, at social times, whenever social distancing is not possible or when directed to by a member of staff. Face covering must only cover their mouth and nose to ensure they can still be identified. Face masks must be plain with no logos or images).

Returning from overseas:

 If your child(ren) or any member of the same household has returned from overseas within the last 14 days please contact school prior to attending in order to check guidance for current quarantine regulations.

Return Dates for Year Groups:

 Week beginning 7th September 2020. All students will be given a proper induction back to school to ensure they fully understand the health and safety implications of the changes we have mentioned. Therefore, we have planned a staggered start to the year:

Monday 7th September 2020

Year 7 only

Tuesday 8th until Friday 11th September

Year 7, Year 10 and Year 11

Monday 14 September until Friday 18th September

Year 7, Year 8 and Year 9

Monday 21st September onwards

All Years groups will be in school

Breakfast club will be open from 7:45am with registration and Coaching Team Time starting at 8:15am. Entry into school will not be permissible before 7:45am. If you arrive at school before 7:45am and you have driven to school, please stay with your child/ren in your car until school opens. Please stay in your vehicle and allow your child/children to make their own way into school.

School will finish at 2:30pm for students in Key Stage 3. Students in Key Stage 4 will finish school at 3.30pm on some days. The days will be confirmed when students attend school on Tuesday 8th September. All students will need to make their way home or be collected promptly, as there will be no waiting areas within school, due to the need to keep bubbles separate.

Click here to download your copy of the OIAMFS Reminder Letter - Start of Term Arrangements

Click here to download your copy of the OIAMFS School Opening Plan September 2020

We appreciate things won’t be the same for students when they return to school and they will have a number of new routines to learn. All staff are looking forward to having students back in their classroom.

Yours faithfully

Stuart Rees

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