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OIAMFS: Full Opening Plan September 2020

2nd Sept 2020. Dear Parent/Carer,

In July, the government announced that all children and young people will return to school, full time, from September. This decision has been driven by a decrease in the number of Covid-19 cases, together with the “test and trace” system which is now up and running. Public Health England has also made clear that the risk to children continues to be low. I know many of you will have concerns about the reopening of school and I hope this booklet will help.

When school reopens, we will be providing a full curriculum with no reduction in teaching time. We will be carrying out detailed risk assessments and putting in place all measures expected of us to keep our community safe.

Our expectation is that every child returns to school. The Government has made clear that attendance will be mandatory for all pupils. This means all children are expected to return to school.

This booklet is to provide parents, students and staff the key information relating to our plans for reopening. This will be supplemented by more specific information and guidance for individual year groups which will follow over the coming days.

Please read this booklet carefully so that your child knows exactly what to do, where to go and what is expected of them upon their return. For instance, which entrance of school to use, the arrangements for break and lunch and even the toilets that they can use. We hope that all the information you require is set out clearly for you to go through.

We recognise the impact that this prolonged period away from school will have had on our community. We all know how hard students have tried to maintain learning at home within the context of their families. We have learned a great deal about Remote Learning over the past few months, and we are better placed to make use of technology going forward. Indeed, we see this as an opportunity to enhance our work when we return.

It is worth noting that our young people will all have had different experiences and our curriculum plans will reflect this. We cannot simply pick up where we left off. Everyone in our community will be experiencing some sense of loss for the time they have been away whether that is the loss of routine, friends, teachers, exams etc. and we need time to address this.

We cannot predict what further guidance will be in place for September or when it will be announced but we will keep you up to date with our plans as they develop.

We are hugely excited to see everyone again in September. We have missed the buzz of our school and the daily interactions with students. It has not been the same during this time.

Click here to download your copy of the OIAMFS School Opening Plan September 2020.

Please continue to stay safe at home and take care of those around you.

Yours faithfully

Stuart Rees
One In A Million Free School