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Reece Hahn Awarded Sixth Form Bursary At Woodhouse Grove School!

7th Aug 2020. We are delighted to announce that One In A Million Free School leaver Reece Hahn has been awarded a full Sixth Form bursary place at the prestigious Woodhouse Grove School starting this September 2020!

Reece will be joined by fellow student Maria Zahid who has also been awarded a bursary at the school. Both students will follow previous winners of the bursaries Finn Payton (2018), Raihan Younis (2018), Abdullah Ijaz (2019), and Samia Khatun (2019).

Despite the significant disruption to the Summer Examination series, Reece’s achievements included two Grade 9’s in his Science, along with Grade 8s in English Language, English Literature, Maths and Religious Studies.

Shorty after receiving news of his bursary we took a couple of minutes to interview Reece.

How do you feel about the two-year bursary you have been awarded at Woodhouse Grove?

“My family and I feel really grateful! It means a lot to me that somebody would select me for such a prestigious opportunity. It is an amazing school to further my studies. Facilities were compelling. I was really excited looking around. I got to meet with the former OIAMFS students who had won the bursary in previous years. Chatting with Raihan Younis was really inspiring. At primary school I could never have imagined I’d be going to Woodhouse Grove to further my education!”.

What A-Level options have you chosen and how will you use this opportunity at Woodhouse Grove to further your education?

“I have chosen Physics, Maths, Computer Science, and Further Maths. The classrooms are really well kitted out for the practical aspects of subjects like Physics. My aspiration is produce work to the highest standard and get the grades I need to study at somewhere such as Russell Group university. This type of place specialises in high end technology advancement”.

What career pathway are you presently working towards?

“I am really interested in robotics! I have been ever since a child. I would really like to create a piece of technology that could be used for rescue teams, that has the capability to go where human’s can’t because its not safe, and its saves peoples lives”.

What has been your favourite part about coming to OIAMFS? 

“The smallness of the school has benefitted me hugely. Previously I went to Fagley Primary, a one-form entry school that was close to home. So, having to travel to school was a big deal for me. Being in a small school allowed me to get to know people pretty quickly. I didn’t know a single person before I arrived so I had to grow in my confidence and develop my social skills to engage with other people and make the effort to get to know them. A smaller school like ours allows the teachers to get to know all students and give them their focus”.

What has impacted you more than anything else?

“It has to be the school core values. They have impacted me the most. The values of compassion, honesty, integrity and excellence, teach you how to become a responsible adult and a better person. They grow you and prepare your attitudes for life after school. The value that has impacted me the most is ‘integrity’. Integrity holds you to accountable when you are alone, to do the right thing whilst nobody else is watching. People need to know you can be trusted. The value I have had to work at the most is ‘compassion’. Previously, I only had a small group of friends I’d interact with but here, I’ve had to come out of myself and make the effort to take get to know other people and show an interest in them”.

What subjects have you enjoyed the most?

“My favourite subjects are Maths and iMedia. I’ve always enjoyed Maths and the process of looking at a complex challenge and having to use cognitive skills to find a solution. I love having to think deeper. iMedia had never studied before coming here. I really enjoy the technical aspects such as programming and coding. For my Year 10 work experience, I joined the Airedale Group where I worked in the IT department and looked at hardware. During my time at the school I have built a website called Game Inspector whereby I give an overview and review of games for my readers. The teachers here have really gone out of their way to provide after-school interventions clubs that have pushed my learning to deliver better standards of work. I would really like to say a huge thank you to all my teachers for their support!.

More recently, the school have supported me in getting a computer science internship this summer holidays at a big technology company where I will get to deepen my understanding. I will get to design an App!”.

What advise would you give to a new Year 7 student attending our school this September?

“I would say; Work hard all the time. Try. Always try and complete tasks. Find solutions to problems. If you need help, make the time in or out of school time to develop your learning. And don’t get stressed! I created a weekly timetable for myself around my school timetable that helped me to dedicate time to interventions in school, schedule time for homework, and of course, gaming and play time. This has helped me to get the right balance for mental health. I read about the idea years ago and developed it to suit me!

I would also tell them to make friends; good friends can have a really good influence in making school a great experience”.

How would you like people to remember you at One In A Million?

“He was a very proactive student who always worked hard and never gave up. He developed the personal resilience to achieve an amazing opportunity like this one at Woodhouse Grove that will change my life”.

OIAMFS Academy Trust said, “Congratulations Reece! Make the most of this fabulous opportunity. We know you will continue to flourish thanks to your sheer resilience combined with natural talent! We would also like to give a big thank you to the Governing Body and Principal at Woodhouse Grove for their continued support and partnership with One In A Million Free School, and of course, our Charity. Thank you Reece, you have been a joy to be around. We wish you the very best in your studies at Woodhouse Grove”.