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Student Safety - Let’s Talk About Life Online

21st May 2020. Subject: Student Safety - Let’s Talk About Life Online

Dear parent/carer, and students,

Please take a few moments to click on this document to help you and your child to be happy and healthy online!

The best tool to support your child in leading a safe and positive life online is open conversation.

This leaflet includes practical advice and conversation starters to help you discuss the online world with your child. Whether you are approaching these conversations for the first time, or you have already made a start, this advice can help you to support your child to use technology in a happy and healthy way.

This advice is part of Childnet’s Parent & Carer Toolkit, designed to guide you in supporting all aspects of your child’s online life. It also includes our Family Agreement andParents & Carers Resource Sheet. Find the whole toolkit at

Mr P Gallagher
Designated Safeguarding Lead