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Wellbeing Message To Our Students And Parent/Carers From Mr Rees, Principal

7th April 2020. Dear students,

I hope this message finds you and your families safe and well.

The past few weeks, involving the closure of the school and the country going into lockdown, have been especially difficult for everybody, and I am sure that you have found that your lives have changed drastically in this short period of time.

You will have often heard of me talk about being part of the One In A Million family, and now, more than ever, I feel that the concepts of community and unity are more important than ever before. You might not be in the building at the moment but that does not make you any less of a One In A Million student, and as such, we are still here for you. You will have been receiving regular update calls from a nominated member of staff, checking on your wellbeing. Please take the opportunity to talk to them about anything you are worried or concerned about, or should you need support in any other aspect of your life, remember that we are here. Similarly, remember that all your teachers, Heads of Year and members of staff in general are here for you. Feel free to contact any of us and we will continue to support you in any way we can.

Ours is a school that talks about values. We talk about the importance of compassion and integrity, and now, more than ever these two values need to be demonstrated, not only by us, but by our entire country. I know that as a OIAM student you will be making decisions based on our values, despite how challenging it may be to operate without the routine of school life or the ability to socialise with your friends and family. Yet, as I stated in my message to your parents: at this time, more than ever, every individual matters. Every individual is valued. Every individual act of kindness counts.

I hope you have managed to access the online provision of lessons and resources your teachers have uploaded to Google Classroom for you. We hope to put even more interactive content up upon your return from the Easter break, to ensure you continue to gain access to the best provision possible, despite the challenging times.

But until then, remember this: We miss you. We care about you. We are looking forward to seeing you again.

I hope you have a relaxing and restful holiday. Take care, stay safe and look after yourselves.

Yours faithfully

Stuart Rees



Dear parents / carers,

This is without a doubt the strangest end of term message I have ever written, however as I sit and type, I write with a deep-rooted sense of humility, gratitude and pride for all that we have achieved over the past two weeks.

From the moment the government announced on 18th March 2020 that schools would be closing their gates, our staff have been working tirelessly to ensure that we are able to offer a full and effective online provision for your children. Our staff have been calling and checking in with families on a daily basis and we have continued to support local families, providing food and supplies to those who need it. The overriding sense of community and commitment evident as everybody pulls together has been truly humbling. Our staff have shown unwavering dedication in supporting our community, whilst the messages we have been receiving from parents and students alike have been so positive that they continue to spur us on - from the bottom of our hearts, thank you!

We know these are worrying times for everybody, and despite everyone's efforts, there is still much that needs to be done. Our school motto is "Enjoying today, Preparing For Tomorrow" and whilst it is impossible to enjoy these times, preparing effectively as we look to the future will be crucial. At this time, every individual matters, every individual is valued and every individual act of kindness counts. We are all in this fight together, because ultimately we will beat this. Together. As one, united family.

The Children’s Commissioner has published a Children’s Guide to Coronavirus which explains the current situation in an accessible way, and gives advice about how we can all help keep ourselves and others safe. There is a ‘worry buster’ to complete, along with tips about keeping yourself busy and getting creative. Please look at it with your children when you are home together. 

So finally, I want to send my very best wishes to you over this holiday period. Look after yourselves. Look after your families. Have a good rest, take care and above all, stay safe.

Yours faithfully

Stuart Rees


Key Information and Support:

Find several useful links to support you and your family during Covid-19. Please take the time to browse them: