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Samia Khatun Awarded Sixth Form Bursary At Woodhouse Grove School!

20th Aug 2019. We are delighted to announce that One In A Million Free School leavers, Samia Khatun and Abdullah Ijaz, have been awarded full Sixth Form bursary places at the prestigious Woodhouse Grove School starting this September 2019!

On the day that GCSE results have been published, we would also like to congratulate both students on their academic achievements. Samia achieved a fantastic set of results which averaged over 3 ½ grades higher (per subject) than her target grades. Abdullah’s achievements included a double Grade 9 in Science, placing him within the top 4% of all students nationally.

When asked how she felt about being awarded a sixth form bursary Samia excitedly remarked, “I am extremely grateful for this huge opportunity to attend Woodhouse Grove School. I feel very privileged and blessed. It will allow me to reach towards achieving my life goals. Eventually, I would like to go into further education to study a career in medicine. This is something I became interested in during my education at One In A Million Free School.

Finn Payton and Raihan Younis, left our school last year and were the first to be awarded bursaries at Woodhouse Grove School in 2018. They are doing really well in the school and have fitted in perfectly. Knowing this makes me feel less nervous. It will be great to see them around aswell as Abdullah Ijaz who joins me on one of this years bursary awards”.

When asked about her time as a student at One In A Million Free School Sami answered, “I have really enjoyed making lots of wonderful new friendships and because the school is small you get to know all the teachers. I have particularly enjoyed science and maths due to the way the teachers have made lessons engaging and exciting. The school values of compassion, honesty, integrity and excellence have really impacted me in and out of school. They have helped shape me and inspire me to become a better person in life beyond school”.

We asked Samia what advise would she give to a new Yr7 student attending our school this academic year, she was quick to reply, Students need to quickly learn about resilience to help them overcome any challenges they find coming from primary school to secondary. There is nothing for them to be nervous about. All the teachers know how to make you feel welcomed and part of the school. Most importantly, follow the school rules, they are there to help and guide you in your learning. If you do this, you will have the best time of your life!”.

The partnership between One In A Million Free School and Woodhouse Grove has blossomed with lots of collaborative initiatives already taking place aside of the bursaries. Woodhouse Grove set up its own charitable foundation to support and fund bursaries for students, from within the Bradford and West Yorkshire district, whose parents may not otherwise be able to afford the fees.

Wayne Jacobs, OIAMFS Academy Trust member and Co-Founder said, “Congratulations Samia and Abdullah. We wish you every success in your studies at your new school. Embrace every moment and every opportunity provided to you. We know you will continue to flourish. We would also like to give a big thank you to the governing board and principal at Woodhouse Grove for their continued support and partnership with One In A Million Charity, and One In A Million Free School”.