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OIAMFS Sports Day – “On Your Marks. Get Set. Go!”

Last week saw our first whole school sports day at Bradford Park Avenue Stadium. What a successful day it was!

Teams competed in their house groups across a range of activities including; the ever-popular ‘dizzy penalties’, welly throwing competition, the fittest athlete, 100-metre sprint, and rounding off the day with a 400-metre fun run for everyone to participate in!

The ‘fittest athlete’ competition included a grueling schedule of activities: sit-ups, press-ups, star jumps, burpees, and jumping lunges. The finale to determine the overall winning athlete was a 100-metre sprint made up of boy and girls. Congratulations to Anaayah C. for a five-star performance!

Principal Mr Rees joined proceedings just in time to enter the Year 9/10 boy’s 100-metre sprint only to be beaten by Ibrahim Nawaz and Damian Malinowski. Well-done Mr Rees joining in the fun.

The overall winning house was Honesty, closely followed by Integrity.

Individual winners included:

  • Year 7 Fastest boy – L’Anne K
  • Year 8 Fastest boy – Ibrahim R
  • Year 9 Fastest boy – Daniel S
  • Year 10 Fastest boy – Ibrahim N
  • Year 7 Fastest Girl – Maleeha A
  • Year 8 Fastest Girl – Alaynah A
  • Year 9 Fastest Girl – Maryam M
  • Year 10 Fastest Girl – Anaayah C

Most Effort Award:

  • Year 7 – Esaan S
  • Year 8 – Faith M
  • Year 9 – Jamiul K
  • Year 10 – Elizabeth B
  • Best Welly throwers – Kirill K & Shaid A

The day was rounded off by a whole school 400-metre run/walk. The fun and laughter was tangible amongst everyone.

Ms Stuart, Head of PE said, “Congratulations to Honesty house group who were our overall Sports Day winners. It was a fantastic first ‘whole school’ sports day. The excitement of the competitions created a wonderful energetic atmosphere amongst students and staff. The venue of Bradford Park Avenue Stadium created an inspirational backdrop for students to display great endeavor whilst having fun. I can’t wait for next year’s event, which will be even bigger and better. Bring it on!”.

Well done to Miss Stuart and her team who ensured the event was enjoyable for everyone to participate whatever their ability or fitness.