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OIAMFS Students Create Peace Rainbow As A Mark Of Respect

After the horrific act of terrorism that happened in Christchurch, New Zealand on 15th March 2019, we wanted to do something proactive to help our students pay their respects for the victims and their families; allow them to reflect and explore ways to respond to an incident or event such as an act of terrorism. The results were deeply powerful

We created a Peace Rainbow inspired by The Linking Network and the whole school assemblies led by Mr Rees, OIAMFS Principal, and Mr Haughey.

Creating the Peace Rainbow gave our students the perfect opportunity to demonstrate our values of compassion, honesty, integrity and excellence. We learned that the acts of a small minority do not reflect the beliefs or practises of the majority. All students rose to the occasion asking questions and thinking about what to include on each layer of the rainbow.

Students used sentence starters (see the slide above) to write responses on coloured paper and sticky notes.

Mr Rees, OIAMFS Principal said, “I love the peace rainbow. Every time I walk through the atrium it is a wonderful testament to the levels of compassion and empathy our students have. There is a clear message of strength and I believe this stems from our core values as a school. In a time when it would be very easy to be scared, our students have shown that our values of compassion, honesty, integrity and excellence can provide a foundation of strength no matter how challenging the circumstance.

I would like to thank Miss Sutton, Miss Akhlaq and students Sana, Tasmia & Aisha for helping to produce this – the end result” is something quite beautiful”.