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Announcement From The OIAMFS Principal, Mr Grant

3rd Nov 2018. Dear Parent/Carer,

It is with mixed emotions that I am writing to advise you that I am leaving One In A Million Free School at Easter 2019. This has not been an easy decision; in fact it has been one the hardest I have ever had to make, but it is a good time to hand the baton over.

As I am sure many of you will be aware, my family is located in Cumbria and whilst it was something we planned for when I joined the organisation, and have managed, I feel it is beginning to take its toll and I find myself in a position that I am no longer able to continue being so far away from my beloved wife and children.

I believe OIAM is now in a positive position for a new Principal to take over the helm, with a strong platform to build upon. We have a good OFSTED, a dedicated team built with succession in mind, strong finances and a great cohort of students to work with. I am confident that a high calibre of candidate can be secured to replace me.

I am very proud of the team I lead here and the students who inspire us all on a daily basis. Significant progress has been made in a relatively short time and without the support of parents, staff and students, none of this would have been possible.

There is still a lot of work for me to do before I leave, and it will be very much business as usual until that time. I will be holding assemblies to speak to all students when we return to school next week.

The Chair of Governors (Mark Hughes) has been working with other governors to plan the recruitment process for my replacement, which will commence on Friday when the advertisement is placed, and it is hoped that the new appointment will be announced to staff and parents before Christmas.

Lastly, I would like to say a huge thank you to you all. During my time at OIAM I have felt supported, listened to, understood and valued. This has enabled the very best of my qualities to shine in a professional capacity. Parental engagement is at the heart of any good school and we have a number of committed parents who have worked with me to make significant positive changes for the benefit of our students.

Yours faithfully
Philip Grant
OIAM Free School Principal