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The Lord Lieutenant Of West Yorkshire, Dame Ingrid Roscoe Visits OIAMFS

18th Mar 2018. On Thursday 15th March 2018, OIAMFS was honoured to welcome The Lord Lieutenant of West Yorkshire, Dame Ingrid Roscoe for the afternoon in our school.

Upon arrival, Dame Ingrid was welcomed by Headboy Finn Payton and Headgirl Sajida Begum. Finn said, “It was an honour to welcome Dame Ingrid Roscoe to our school. It was a wonderful experience and one I will never forget! I was lucky enough to interact with her. I had the opportunity to tell her about the history of One In A Million charity and what OIAMFS offers to young people”. 

Principal Philip Grant, OIAMFS Trust Members Wayne Jacobs and Mark Hughes had the pleasure of briefing Dame Ingrid on the progress that OIAM charity and OIAMFS has made since her last visit in 2014. However, the real delight took place watching Dame Ingrid enthuse and inspire during her interaction with our students. 

Whilst walking the school and visiting several classrooms, Dame Ingrid was given a beautiful rendition of “Joseph” by Year 8 students in Music.

With a passion for ‘the Arts’, Dame Ingrid thoroughly enjoyed sitting in a Year 11 art lesson. Dame Ingrid was full of praise for the use of vivid colour and the brilliant textures displayed in student artwork.

Dame Ingrid met with a Student Focus Group. Students asked some excellent questions. In fact, they did not want her to leave!

Mayah: “When I met Dame Ingrid Roscoe, she was really friendly and easy to talk to. We were lucky enough to have the opportunity to ask the Dame questions about herself. She gave so much detail in her answers, which I found really interesting!! Dame Ingrid even wanted to know about us and asked questions about our school, hobbies, and interests. It was a fantastic experience”. 

Mel: “Meeting Dame Ingrid Roscoe was a really positive experience for me. I was given the opportunity to perform for her and she gave me constructive feedback as she had experience in performing arts. Dame Ingrid commented on how well my dictation and clarity was, which has really boosted my confidence! She has really inspired me to continue working towards a career in performing arts”. 

Angelo: “It was a pleasure meeting Dame Ingrid Roscoe as I have always had a keen interest in the royal family, so meeting one of our Queen’s representatives, was a huge honour! I was nervous at first but it was great to find out about her history and lifestyle”. 

Upon leaving, Dame Ingrid was full of high praise for our school commenting, “the children are just delightful and a credit to everyone at One In A Million!”.

The Lord Lieutenant of West Yorkshire, Dame Ingrid Roscoe, thank you for investing, inspiring and adding significant value to all our students, staff and leaders. One In A Million Free School hopes to see you again, very soon!