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New courses to help build positive relationships for parents, carers and families.

Most relationships have their ups and downs, and disagreements and arguments are normal. But arguments between parents that are intense, hostile, and poorly resolved can be harmful to their children. The digital resources provided by OnePlusOne are designed to help parents reflect on conflict in their relationship with current or ex-partners, as well as the impact on their children:

As part of our Reducing Parental Conflict project, we are really excited to launch three courses for parents.

  • Me, You and Baby Too – for parents adjusting to the arrival of a baby
  • How to Argue Better – for any couple who want to explore how they can improve their communication and ways of dealing with stress together
  • Getting it Right for Children – for couples who are separated or working through a separation

The courses are online but we want parents to be supported to complete the courses by their lead professional or support worker.

Interested to know more about the courses - please join us at a launch event specifically for Schools & Nurseries on: Tuesday 5th July 12.30-2.30pm (refreshments available from 12pm)

Braine Room, Margaret McMillan Tower, Princes Way, Bradford, BD1 1NN