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Action For Sport Helps Removes Barriers So Students Can Participate In Sport.

Since partnership with Action For Sport began in 2021, so far, over 35% of students at One In A Million Free School have benefited from a donation of sport clothing and footwear that enables them to participate in active sport.

Due to COVID variants, attendance for secondary schools across the region has been a challenge making Bradford the 3rd highest for poor attendance in the UK.

However, many of those OIAMFS students who have received the sportswear have seen an increase in their attendance at school and more specifically regularly attending and participating in PE and after school enrichment clubs. Since January 2022, persistent absenteeism has decreased 1.8% compared with previous years.

Liam Brennan, OIAMFS, Head of Year, said, “75% of our Pupil Premium students, 85% EHCP students, 100% of our Looked After Children and 100% of Refugee/Asylum seeker students have received sportswear from Action For Sport.

One Year 9 girl in particular was over the moon when receiving her Bradford City waterproof jacket, to match her new Asics trainers ready to wear for the summer holidays! Seeing her face was a timely reminder of why we do what we do to support our students!”.

OIAMFS is alreading gearing up with support from Action For Sport in preparation for when new students join and existing students return to school.

A massive thank you to Clive and Andrew and those who support their incredible charity.

Who Are Action For Sport:

Action For Sport is a national charity dedicated to ensuring that everyone has the opportunity to participate in sport. We are based in Yorkshire and are proud to support both our local communities and communities all around the UK.

Promoting Sport: The charity aims to encourage people to participate in sport. This should result in a positive impact on their physical and mental health and advance amateur sport and personal development.

Removing Barriers: Action For Sport are determined to prevent poverty being a barrier to children and young people playing sport. Everyone should have the opportunity to participate and poverty should never be a barrier.

Protecting the Environment: The charity is committed to protecting and preserving the environment through the recycling of sporting footwear, clothing and equipment. We ensure that we promote environmentalism throughout all of our projects