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Yrs 10-11 parent/carer(s): Join us for the ‘mock exam revision support workshop’ supported by Resilient Me (23rd Jan)

Dear Parent(s) / Carer(s),

In preparation for the Y11 Mock Exams (which start on Monday 27th February) we will continue to support your child and guide them on how to effectively revise and prepare for their upcoming examinations.

As part of this process, we are inviting in an external educational company, called Resilient Me to deliver sessions to our Year 11 and Year 10 students. Students will receive support and advice on study skills, revision, well-being and motivation. To ensure that these sessions have as much impact as possible, we have also arranged for the external company to lead a session for our staff so that teachers can continue the support and advice offered in lessons and intervention sessions.

At the end of the day, we will also have a parent/carer session where the presenter will detail how your child can effectively revise at home, and how as a parent/carer you can fully support your child.

The parent/carer session will be held at the school on Monday 23rd January 2023, starting at 4:30pm.

The session will last approximately one hour. Refreshments will be also be provided. The session is aimed at parents/carers of Year 10 and Year 11 students. You are very welcome to attend this session with your child. There will also be members of SLT present if you would like to talk about your child’s progress.

Please could you let the school know if you would like to attend the session on Monday 23rd January 2023 at 4:30pm and how many seats you will need so we can plan accordingly.

Please complete the reply slip (see digital pdf below) and return to school by Friday 13th January 2023.

Yours Faithfully,

Jane Hobbs
Acting Principal