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Yr11 GCSE Geography students visit the historic city of York as part of studies

On Wednesday 22nd February, forty-five One In A Million Free School students from Year 11 accompanied by five staff members participated in a GCSE Geography field trip to York.

Students were investigating flood management and traffic congestion within York city centre as part of their AQA GCSE Geography course. 

The trip consisted of students collecting data in various locations across York; including along the River Ouse and in the Central Business District. 

Students also completed: Bi-polar surveys; questionnaires with the public and flood management descriptions. The data collected will be used in their final GCSE Geography exams in the summer. 

Students had the opportunity to see real-life examples of flood management systems and engaged with members of the public when asking them for their opinions on traffic management in York. 

The students were outstanding, a real credit to themselves and the school. Members of the public, who completed the questionnaires, commented on how polite and professional the students were and how impressed they had been with their attitudes and manners when conducting the data collection. 

Students enjoyed the day and commented that it was, “a brilliant experience”, “very enjoyable and informative”, “a bit scary to have to ask people for their input with the questionnaires!”.

Well done Year 11 for representing yourself, our school, and our city, impeccably well!