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Celebrating The Pleasure Of Reading On World Book Day 2023 (And Beyond!)

The students at One In A Million Free School have been enjoying a whole week of activities as part of the school’s extended World Book Day celebrations.

Raising literacy standards remains one of the school’s priorities and World Book Day provides the perfect opportunity to celebrate the importance of reading throughout our school community.

Over the course of the week, our students have been involved in a range of activities including daily reading in their CTL groups, celebrating their favourite books and an inter-house treasure hunt competition, ‘Around the World in 80 Books’.

On World Book Day itself our students also engaged with specially prepared lessons which gave them the opportunity to look at famous literary characters and come up with some memorable protagonists of their own.

Whole-School Recovery Lead Mr Potts commented, “Promoting reading is a key strand of our literacy strategy and World Book Day is a perfect way to celebrate the importance of books. We’re determined to develop reading as a positive habit amongst our community and to promote both the academic and the wellbeing benefits of reading”.

World Book Day is only one element of the school’s reading drive. All of our students are now read to by their Coaching Team Leaders when they arrive at school, they are also busily developing their vocabularies through our Wow Words programme, and we are also developing disciplinary reading across the curriculum.

Mark Hughes, OIAMFS Trust Member/Governor said, “Raising the aspirations of every student is at the heart of all we do. We want to change lives through a love of reading and oracy. Our aim is to inspire every student to read for pleasure, and, nurturing in them, a thirst for learning that equips them with knowledge, skills and a growth mindset to thrive in the present and in the future so that they can embrace the opportunities that await them”.