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Students Explore The Great Outdoors During Residential At Outward Bound (Day 1)

Dear Parents/Carers,
Please find a short diary update on how students are getting on at their residential at the fabulous Outward Bound Trust Howtown Centre, in the Lake District. More updates will follow in the days ahead!

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Day 1 - Students arrived at school in their outdoor clothes, suitcases and bags, ready to begin the final preparations for the week ahead.

At 10am staff and students boarded the coaches bound for Howtown full of excitement and enthusiasm.
On arrival at the centre students took part in the traditional ‘jog and dip’ into Ullswater Lake. The cold temperatures didn't stop our students; they threw themselves into the water and thoroughly enjoyed the challenge!

After dinner, evening activities involved orienteering by torchlight around the woodland and a number of team building activities.

The day finished with hot chocolate and biscuits.

This morning, the sun is shining, it is a really beautiful day and after a big breakfast we are ready for day 2!