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Day 5 Of Summer School Puts The Spotlight On Wellbeing & Caring For One Another

30th July 2021. Day 5 and final day of the Summer School focused on the importance of physical, emotional and mental wellbeing.

Students went on a tour of the iconic Bradford City Stadium housed next door to our school. Our very own Danny Forrest, former Bradford City striker, led the tour giving students a brief history of the club whilst parading the stands, visiting pitch side dugouts and the match day suits, before finishing off the tour with everyone paying respects at the Valley Parade Fire Memorial.

The second half of the day introduced the NHS Mental Health Support Team who talked to students about how to manage their mental health and wellbeing. They provided students with practical self-care tools to help them particularly during the summer holidays where some are likely to feel isolated again. Student feedback was resoundingly positive from this session.

The day closed with pizza’s and final assembly where students, staff and Year 11 student volunteers were thanked.

We really value student voice. Here are just a few of the comments we received during feedback, “it's been amazing and fun”, “really helpful”, “I felt safe”, “I was able to be creative”, and “the best week ever”! Others remarked how they felt included, had made new friends, and had developed the confidence to try new experiences and activities.

Everyone left with an OIAM goodie bag which included a certificate of achievement for the Local Youth Award, attendance certificate, bar of chocolate, pen and a black & gold wristband displaying our four core values; compassion, honesty, integrity and excellence.

Jonathan Martin, OIAMFS Community Manager said, “We are incredibly proud of all the students that attended the Transition Summer School. They have each been exposed to new learning experiences. It has been fantastic watching their confidence and self esteem flourish as the week has progressed. This week will better prepare all of the students for starting secondary school in September”.

Thank you to everyone who has contributed to making this week a great success!