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Student Tasmia T Awarded Sixth Form Bursary At Woodhouse Grove School!

9th August 2021. Congratulation! We are delighted to announce that One In A Million Free School leaver Tasmia T has been awarded a full Sixth Form bursary place at the prestigious Woodhouse Grove School starting this September 2021!

Tasmia will be joined by fellow student Rifqah B who has also been awarded a bursary at the school. Both students will follow previous winners of the bursaries Finn P (2018), Raihan Y (2018), Abdullah I (2019), and Samia K (2019), Reece H (2020) and Maria Z (2020).

Shorty after receiving news of her bursary we took a couple of minutes to interview Tasmia to ask about her time at our school and about her next destination. This is what she had to say:

What has been your favourite part about coming to OIAMFS? 

“There has been many factors that have given me the best experience at OIAMFS. My favourite, without a doubt, would be the unparalleled support I have received from the teachers. They always give their undivided attention to the students and that helped me realise that they sincerely do care about every single one of us”.

What have been your favourite subjects and why?

“My favourite subjects have always been all three of the sciences and History. Simply because I found them to be increasingly interesting each time we were introduced to new topics and I was excited to attend each lesson. To strengthen my interests further, I’ve made the decision to take on a few science subjects for my A-levels”.

How do you feel about the opportunity to attend Woodhouse Grove?

“From the moment I heard about this opportunity to the moment I stepped into year 11, I always knew I wanted to be chosen for the scholarship. So to be chosen, was a dream come true. I couldn’t be happier. I am nervous for the new challenge but excited nonetheless”.

How will you use this opportunity to further your education?

“The opportunity itself is a huge step in helping me further my education but with what the Grove can provide regarding my academics, I know I can improve to become successful. I’ll take on the extracurricular activities and appreciate the chances I’ve been provided with. Through that, I can work harder and prove my potential”.

What career do you want to have when you do leave school?

“On one hand, the aspects of psychology have really intrigued me while on the other hand, medicine has been calling my name. With some research, I came to a decision that the career pathway most suited for me would be psychiatry. It is now a strong passion of mine that I dream to achieve”.

What advise would you give to a new Yr7 student attending our school?

“My advice to a new year 7 student would be to give yourself the chance to move on from primary school and accept the changes of going to secondary school. It’s, undoubtedly, difficult to adapt to a new environment but if you allow yourself to be happy where you are, then everything will be easier. And one last thing, don’t change who you are to conform with what your ‘friends’ deem to be cool in school - be yourself, unapologetically”.