Enrichment is a central and impactful part of school time at One In A Million. Students can participate in Enrichment as part of the extended school community programme, which is available to all students. Enrichment runs from 2:30pm to 3:30pm most days, with some sessions running during lunchtimes.
The activities are based on our three core areas of sports, the arts and enterprise. Our passion is to ensure that these activities are delivered by the very best teachers and external coaches who are professionals in their fields of expertise. The types of activities are wide and varied from Performing Arts to Ju-Jitsu to School Newspaper Club to Swimming to Cooking Skills. Further, example activities are shown below. There’s something for everyone!
Here is a sample of the kind of enrichments we offer students:
Art, Basketball, Boxing for boys, Boxing for girls, Choir, Dance, Debating Club, Duke of Edinburgh Award, First Aid, Food Life Skills, Gardening, Global Studies, Ju-Jitsu, Performance Club, Rock Band Photography, Science Club, Sign Language, Sports Leaders Award, Study Club, Team Building. If it relates to sports, the arts or enterprise, we’ll find a way to make it happen!
All students are expected to achieve a minimum level of enrichment each year and earn merits for this. This culminates at the end of the year with awards and prizes.
How to book
The enrichment timetable changes each term with activities removed and added as necessary. To attend enrichment activities, the student and parent/guardian can choose enrichments from the list of different enrichments available on the Enrichment Choice Form when they are sent. Once the form has been processed, a text will be sent out to confirm attendance at the chosen Enrichment(s).
Cultural capital
Cultural Capital is very much at the centre of what the Enrichment programme is looking to increase for each student. Cultural Capital can be defined as “a major factor in forming the foundation of social life and effects an individuals position within the social order. The more capital one has, the more powerful position one occupies in social life”. (Pierre Bourdieu, ref: https://www.trueeducationpartnerships.com/schools/what-is-ofsteds-cultural-capital/)
At One In A Million our vision and ethos is to help all students to achieve the best they can, irrelevant of their background or circumstances, and becoming a valuable citizen is at its heart. The Enrichment Programme is there to support this ambition.
Sitting alongside this vision is an aspect of the latest Ofsted inspection framework. Ofsted is looking for schools to provide students with “the knowledge and cultural capital they need to succeed in life”. Like us, Ofsted see the value in what higher levels of cultural capital can gain in the outcomes for students, especially when they leave school and engage more fully with society at large.
The Enrichment Programme is a large piece in the ‘curriculum jigsaw’ that helps to meet our vision requirements and compliments that of Ofsted. A student that increases their cultural capital will increase their ability to succeed academically and engage in wider society.
Qualifications & accreditations - student passport
Built into the enrichment programme is vocational learning which includes the ability to gain accreditations and qualifications such as the Lord Mayors Award, St John’s First Aid, Sports Leaders Award, Bikeability levels 1 to 3 and the Youth Award.
We also track any volunteer hours completed by students both in school and out of school if they are engaging with the One In A Million Charity activities. Recording both these activities allows us to build a ‘student passport’, which the student can take with them into further education and the world of work supporting them in maximising their potential and cultural capital.