All of our students will learn key geographical principles and concepts about the changing human and physical world, and how the two interact so they can apply them in a variety of familiar and unfamiliar contexts. The study of geography develops the cultural capital of our students by helping them to understand the world around them. Our curriculum challenges our students to develop a critical understanding of our World and how they interact within that world. Students learn that politics causes change; how globalisation changes the way we live; how their lives are different to those living in countries at varying levels of development. Students therefore develop a genuine appreciation of both social and economic difference and similarity across the globe.
Geography can open the minds of the students of Bradford by showing them the wider world. It can inspire future generations to be the change they want to see in the world. In our increasingly multicultural city, it is vital for our students to develop cultural understanding so as to promote community cohesion. Contextual geography is taught on a local, national and global scale, which enables students to make links between their place in Bradford as well as the World.
Year 7 begins with building on (or in some cases) re-teaching the geography skills taught at Key Stage 2 to ensure that all students have the necessary solid foundations upon which geographical knowledge can be built. Human geography and physical geography topics are interspersed regularly to encourage student engagement and the ability to make synoptic links which are vital for future study. For example, in Year 7, students will learn about ecosystems, natural resources and the continent of Africa. In Year 8, we will study rivers, development, and about the continents of Europe and Asia. This enables students to begin to appreciate how the two disciplines (human geography and physical geography) interact with each other. Students receive a broad curriculum at Key Stage 3 providing them with a solid foundation for future study.
KEY STAGE 4 (Option Choice)
GCSE Geography is a challenging and enjoyable course that draws on the knowledge, understanding and geographical skills gained at Key Stage 3. Our students will gain an insight into the world around them and beyond their classroom, exploring case studies in the United Kingdom, higher income countries, newly emerging economies and lower income countries. Similar to Key Stage 3, human geography and physical geography topics are interspersed regularly. Our Y10 and Y11 students will therefore learn about contrasting but interrelated topics such as, natural hazards, physical landscapes, urban issues and resource management. Geography fieldwork is an essential opportunity for our students to learn about geography in a different way, explore new and different locations and become real life geographers. Fieldwork visits take place in Year 10 and Year 11 to various locations including York City Centre, Hornsea and Flamborough Head. During our fieldtrips, our students will learn geographical enquiry skills, how to effectively collect and analyse data and further develop their practical geographical skills.
What Parents/Carers can do to help:
Your child has been given a Knowledge Organiser for each topic they study. This summarises the key information they must know if they are to be successful in this subject. Please encourage them to learn this off by heart and revise topics regularly. In addition to this, it is important that your child spends at least 30 minutes per day revising and completing any tasks set by their teacher.