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OIAMFS Term 3 - key dates for the diary

Dear Parents/Carers, school breaks up today for the half-term holiday and I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your continued support. Students have engaged well with their learning during this half-term. 

I am looking forward to seeing and speaking with parents of our Year 7 and 8 students at their Parent’s Evenings in June.

School will reopen on Monday 3rd June and I look forward to seeing all our students return from the break, refreshed and ready to learn.

Please note the following dates for next half-term:

  • Monday 3rd June - School opens for all students.  GCSEs examinations continue
  • Friday 14th June - Final day of GCSE exams
  • Monday 17th June - Staff Training Day.  School closed to students
  • Wednesday 19th June - “This is Me” Day.  Students wear non-uniform
  • Thursday 20th June - Year 8 Parent/Carers’ Evening (4-6pm)
  • Monday 24th June - Year 10 mock exams begin
  • Thursday 27th June - SEND Year 6 Transition Day
  • Wednesday 3rd July - Year 6 Transition Day 
  • Tuesday 4th July - Year 7 Parent/Carers’ Evening (4-6pm)
  • w/c 8th July - Year 7 - 10 Reports to Parents/Carers
  • w/c 15th July - Sports Day date tbc
  • Friday 19th July - School closes for summer!

Thursday 22nd August - GCSE Results Day - School will be open for students to collect their results between 10:00am - 12 noon.

Please see the additional letter which has been sent to you regarding payment for school meals from June 3rd 2024 - CLICK HERE TO READ

I hope you all have a relaxing and enjoyable holiday.

Yours Faithfully

Mrs Hobbs