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OIAMFS: Year 10 Mock Exams (W/c 24th June 2024)

To prepare our Year 10 students for their GCSE examinations at the end of Year 11, we have scheduled a series of mock examinations for all Year 10 students to take place over a one-week period beginning on Monday 24th June.

These mock examinations are planned for two main reasons:

  • to give our students a realistic experience of sitting examinations, as the mock exams will take place in full accordance with exam regulations and conditions and will be invigilated by external and internal exam invigilators.
  • to allow our teachers to formally assess the progress and learning our students have achieved in Year 10 and to use this information to plan their teaching to focus on learning gaps, misconceptions and exam techniques for the remainder of the academic year and throughout Year 11.

Although our Y10 students will sit formal exams in the core subjects of English, Maths and Science, our option teachers will also organise mock exams in lessons. Students have been given a timetable (like the above) to record when their other exams will be during the week.

I would encourage all students to take these exams seriously and to devote quality time to revision. Students will be directed by their subject teachers about what to revise and the most effective revision techniques.

We are also conscious that some students may feel anxious or worried about these examinations. If your son or daughter is concerned about their mock exams, please encourage them to speak to their form tutor and/or their Head of Year, Mr. Brennan. We have also decided to cancel Period 6 lessons for Y10 students during their mock exams as we are aware that it will be a long and tiring week for many. However, students will have the option to stay behind after school on Wednesday and Thursday to complete supervised independent revision.

The results of the Y10 Mocks will be included in the DC3 Reports which will be sent out in the last week of the summer term.

If you would like to discuss any concerns or have any questions, then please contact school on 01274 723439.

As always, thank you for your continued support.

Yours faithfully,

Mr Coles
Vice Principal