One In A Million Charity - Covid-19 Response, May Report
3rd May 2020. In these unprecedented, difficult and challenging times and in response to Covid-19 from the last week of March up until the end of May as an organisation in localities across the Bradford District we have;
- Created activity packs that have been adopted and delivered to 100s of households.
- Delivered hours of detached youth work weekly.
- Made befriending calls.
- Shopped for individuals who are isolating.
- Packed and help deliver thousands of food parcels to the vulnerable including 1640 free school meals.
- Delivered PE and Activities in a local Primary School for vulnerable and frontline services children.
- Hosted a weekly young people’s virtual support meeting.
- Set online challenges for children and young people.
- Equipped parents with online activities from partners.
In addition, we have been the organisation co-ordinating volunteers on behalf of Bradford South, playing a key role in supporting individuals interested in volunteering who had applied online via
We have a core team of 5, overseen by the Senior Leadership at One In A Million that have been responsible for an enquiry service that is staffed between 9am and 7pm, Monday to Friday.
Specifically, we had been tasked with managing and training volunteers, ensuring DBS checks were in place where required, and matching volunteers with the specific tasks required in the South Bradford area.
These are the statistics from that process up to the last week in May.
In Total:
241 people have been referred to OIAM Bradford South COVID-19 Response
241 people have been contacted by OIAM Bradford South COVID-19 Response
95 people have responded and completed relevant training
40 DBS checks have been completed
22 DBS checks pending
Note: In reality the total number of people contacted is more than quoted due to changing circumstances of database/spreadsheet at the beginning of this project. It would be difficult to put an actual number on this but I would guess the actual number would be around 300.
Befriending Requests
43 people have been emailed the befriending job description
26 people have completed training
7 befrienders have been passed to Royds for befriending jobs
5 befrienders have been passed to Healthy Lifestyle for befriending jobs
6 befrienders have been passed to Bradford Lives At Home for befriending jobs
Community Support Requests - Sandale Community Centre, St Christopher's Church, Scholemoor Beacon, The Life Centre
22 people have offered to support community organisations
22 people have been contacted regarding community support requests
22 people have been referred to community centres
12 people have been deployed to community centres
Sewing Requests (make scrubs for local hospitals)
89 people contacted regarding sewing request
5 people have offered to support sewing request
3 people deployed and scrubs distributed to various NHS institutions
Shopping Requests
31 people have offered to fulfil driving/shopping requests
20 people deployed
Tablet Requests
25 people were contacted regarding formatting some new tablets which would be distributed to various people with specific needs across Bradford
7 people were deployed to this role.
Our continuing day to day work in this means we are responsible for;
- The significant task of making sure all volunteers are trained in specificvareas for designated tasks and also that they are put through DBS checks as part of the safeguarding process.
- Meeting needs requests that come in frequently. We are in regular contact with volunteers on our database to match up appropriately. In and amongst the numbers above, some volunteers have taken up multiple roles. Befriending calls to vulnerable and elderly, some volunteers are making multiple weekly shopping trips and in some instances, we have volunteers who are contributing their time across the board by supporting in all areas atcommunity centres across Bradford South.
- Receiving and processing volunteer expense claim forms which includes liaising with staff from BMDC.
- Managing data on various databases and tracking volunteers.
- Making regular contact with a central coordinator for support as we provide them with stats and relevant positive news stories or inform them of any issues we face. This role has also put us in regular contact with various different staff members from community organisations across Bradford, including BMDC, Hale, CABAD, MIND, various community centres and a vast list of kind hearted volunteers.
In performing these services, it has been our privilege to collaborate with many organisations. In playing our part, it has been wonderful to see every one supporting and encouraging one another as we all work together to minimise the impact of this virus.
Our thoughts and prayers are with those who have lost loved ones and our hearts are with all who are struggling right now, for many different reasons.
We know that more uncertain times lie ahead. However, it is important that we all continue to work together for a brighter future.
Thank you all for your support.
Kind regards,
One In A Million | CEO