Bags Of Christmas Cheer In The OIAM Hamper Giveaway
22nd Dec 2020. This Christmas we are delighted to distribute 65 food hampers to households across the five wards we serve in the Bradford district.
Our staff were so excited to participate in the preparing of the hampers that are filled with essentials and goodies for the festive period.
Danny Forrest, Community Pathways Officer said, “There is a real buzz amongst colleagues today and we are doubly excited to be able to carry out the door-step delivery service in the coming day; whilst respecting the government guidelines at this time.
Thank you to everyone who supports, fundraises, and donates to One In A Million Charity. You make initiatives such as this, and several other gift giveaways we are running, all possible. Thank you for playing your part to make a difference in the lives of Bradford’s children and young people and their wonderful families”.