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OIAM Charity ‘Y3P Challenge’ inspires Bradford businesses to walk the extra mile to support its cause.

THANK YOU to our 31 adventurous team of walkers for joining us in the stunning Yorkshire Dales for our 11th annual One In A Million Charity Yorkshire 3 Peaks Challenge on Saturday 15th July 2023.

We are grateful to all our walkers and support crew for getting up early to check in at Horton and Ribblesdale at 06.30am, stepping out of their comfort zone to take part in this iconic 24.5 mile challenge. Walking Yorkshire’s most famous peaks of; Pen-y-ghent (2,227 ft), Whernside (2,415 ft) & Ingleborough (2,372 ft).

For the third year running, we opened up our Y3P challenge to encourage walkers of all abilities from the Bradford and Leeds business community, to push their boundaries and achieve new goals by walking 1, 2 or 3 of the Yorkshire 3 Peaks.

The weather was particularly challenging this year, which made the conditions tougher for walking.

However, ‘when the going gets tough the tough get going’ and 26 our brave team of walkers completed all 3 peaks and 5 completed 2 peaks, expertly led by our team of mountain leaders and ground crew!

“It was such a tough challenge, but very worthwhile. We’ve had amazing support throughout the day, thank you! Rebecca (ML) was amazing supporting me all the way back. I may even do it again next year if you can lay on some dry weather please?! You are amazingly good at what you do and so consistently positive. Well done!”. Claire Murphy, Switalskis Solicitors.

Throughout the day, there were so many stories of courage, and we would like to say how proud we are of everyone who took part. They all walked the extra mile, pushing their limits to complete their own personal challenge!

All walkers arrived safely back to base camp in Horton in Ribblesdale thanks to our fabulous support crew; Rebecca Watson (ML), Duncan Davids (Woodsworth Exploring), Stephen Fry, Andrew Smith (NPS Engineering), Rebecca Farhall (Azets), Andy Leece and the OIAM staff team, a big thank you to you all!!! Thank you to Phil Lee from Overlimits who provided radio’s for the day.

We would like to say a big thank you; Azets, BorgWarner, The Charlesworth family (pictured above), Dinsdale Estates, Martin & Co (Leeds City), PIB Insurance Brokers, Jon Richard Hair (Cleckheaton), Switalskis Solicitors and TL Dallas for entering teams, fundraising for our community projects and making the day a great success!

The day’s achievements were rewarded at base camp with a celebratory drink reception and Yorkshire tapas!  Certificates were awarded to everyone who took part and stories were exchanged undercover at our Yorkshire 3 Peaks base camp. Thank you to the Bingley Bantams who sponsored our reception and the much-needed marquee pavilion.

We would like to say a BIG THANK YOU to everyone who supported us on the day and for those who generously sponsored our walkers, raising over £8,000. Your support will contribute to the costs of running our Friday night Streetwise football programmes across the city.

Read what some of our participants had to say... (click here)

“Thanks again to the OIAM team for yet another great day for a great cause”. Gavin Lamb (pictured above with his two children), Azets.

“Thank you for all the effort you put in to getting us all around the Y3P safely!”. Ben Jacobs, PIB Insurance Brokers.

I just wanted to say thank you so much for today. The support was amazing, all you guys were amazing and I’m so grateful to start my journey with OIAM”. Kate Richardson, Martin & Co (Leeds City).

“Today has been tough conditions, I don't think I have ever been so close to a storm. Today has been very well organised, thank you for all the support. My muscles are still aching!”. Ryan Dhinsa, Switalskis Solicitors.

“Thank you once again for a great day at the Yorkshire 3 Peaks, our team are absolutely buzzing. I really love how the money raised will help contribute to OIAM fund’s for it’s Streetwise Football project in Keighley for 60 young people for 12 months. It’s absolutely INCREDIBLE what that money can do and, in my mind, that Monday night session could be the one thing that changes a young person’s life and sets them on the right track in life”. Rebecca Farhall, Azets.

One In A Million charity would like to thank everyone who participated in this year’s challenge in such a great spirit and raised vital funds to support our community projects.

Thank you everyone, you are one in a million!!