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‘Space to inspire’ engages children in creative critical thinking during 6-week taster course in art and DT!

Over the summer, Russell Brown, from Space to Inspire, ran a 6-week taster course in woodwork and design technology (DT) for children at Windhill, Shipley.

The children and young people were set a project to complete. They could choose to make a bird box, bug hotel or model house.

23 children and young attended the sessions. 50% of the children attended on a regular basis. Ages ranged from 4 to 12 years old.

Some skills they acquired over the six sessions included an introduction to safety protocols around a DT workshop, how to correctly use the tools, their functions and purpose, and how to accurately measure.


The children were so inspired by the sessions and the work they created that one child, Olivia remarked, “I now want to be an engineer when I grow up!”.

Thank you Space To Inspire for engaging and enriching our children and young people with this project. They have thoroughly enjoyed themselves each week. It is one we look forward to further developing such projects in the future.