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An Undeniable WIN: Streetwise Development Day!

Over 40 participants attended 'Streetwise; Football Development Day' during the half-term holidays. It was a brilliant day, sponsored by Xerox 'Dream Makers' Team, and packed with activities that brought together young people from across the district.

Throughout the day, each team cycled through the following activities; 

  • Goalkeeper Clinic
  • Striker Coaching
  • Consequences of Drugs Workshop
  • Football Tournament

The Consequences of Drugs workshop was a particularly successful aspect of the day. Delivered by ex-prison-officer Vicky, (, we had the opportunity to learn about the long-term impact that drugs have on your body, and the life-long consequences of doing time in prison. 

The workshop concluded with personal videos from ex-inmates, whose striking advice was to stay away from the wrong crowd, surround yourself with responsible friends, and find positive role models.

I learned a lot in the Drugs Workshop and I understand more about the classes of drugs and some of the dangers. I can now let my friends know what I've learned as well

On behalf of One In A Million and all the participants, we'd like to say a huge THANK YOU to the Xerox Dream Maker's Team, who not only sponsored the day, but provided goodie bags for each young person!

“We had a great day last Wednesday, and it wouldn’t have been possible without the guys at One In A Million. All the coaches and staff were amazing, and it was clear to see the impact on the kids. At Xerox, we are doing a ‘Million Makers’ challenge through the Prince's Trust, which is essentially a fundraising challenge in the mould of Dragons Den and the Apprentice, aimed at helping disadvantaged young people across the country. This day was perfect for what we are trying to achieve, and we can’t say enough about how well run it was. We hope we can work with One In A Million again in the future!”  Tom Pepper, Xerox 'Dream Makers' Team

"The Streetwise Development Day during the October half-term holidays was fantastic all round! It allowed children and young people from across our hubs to break down barriers, build relationships and experience more in-depth football provision based around our flagship Streetwise project. The football tournament and the various football coaching clinics which included specialised shooting drills and specific goalkeeper training proved particularly popular! We also facilitated a Consequences of Drugs workshop to incorporate our 'Body Keeps The Score' theme. All in all, it was great to see young people come together and be part of such a brilliant event." Danny Forrest, OIAM

I enjoyed the football games and our team from Manningham won a couple of games. It was a lot of fun, and I'm looking forward to the next one.

COMING SOON: We are also grateful to MAK Media for creating a bespoke video of the event; we can't wait to share it with you soon!